Thursday, January 6, 2011

Palin Derangement Syndrome (PDS)

There is a very destructive illness sweeping the nation right now. It is PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome). That is the uncontrollable paranoia and hatred of Sarah Palin and anything associated with her. It's getting bad folks.

Ever heard of Kathy Griffin? I didn't think so. She is a so-called comedian. She is actually an "attention skank". She has figured out that if she criticises Sarah Palin she winds up on TV. It's basically a Pavlovian response deal (Pavlov worked with dogs, so... there you go). Whenever Kathy Griffin wants a little attention, she simply slams Sarah Palin, and viola... she's all over the nightly news! What an idiot.

All over the media, Sarah Palin is made fun of, lied about, lampooned, and cursed. It is a shame that a good decent woman with fine conservative credentials can be treated this way. Where's all the NOW (National Organization for Women) babes when you need them?

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