Monday, January 24, 2011


What is tolerance? Does tolerance mean agreement? No it doesn't. Does tolerance mean that I get along with people that I disagree with, even though I disagree with them? Yep.

SO! If I disagree with someone, and yet I am civil and polite, and respectful toward them then I would be exhibiting "tolerance" in the highest degree. But if I disagree with someone and act rude, condescending, and ugly toward them, and disrespectful... am I being tolerant? Absolutely not.

So, having said that, I say this: I should be able to respectfully disagree with certain people, and express my opinions, without it automatically being labeled "hate-speech". In actuality, the only type of speech that should be labeled "hate-speech" is any speech that encourages lawlessness, crime, violence or hatred toward another's physical well being, behavior, views, or lifestyle. Respectful disagreement is not hate.

I am one of the most tolerant individuals I know. I am not "anti" anyone. I might disagree with your views on certain topics, or might dislike certain behaviors you do, but I will still respect you and your right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" under the law.

Therefore, do not attempt to silence my dissent. Do not attempt to slander my views, and don't try to "marginalize" me as a threat to society, simply because I hold differing views than yourself. This is the WRONG thing to do. And quite frankly, it is un-American.

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