Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Weakening American Nation

Our wonderful nation is under attack. We are being undermined and destroyed from within. A cancer is growing inside the American body, and something must be done to check its malignant advance or we will all suffer.

First the federal government has put us in danger by racking up a HUGE debt. The U.S. national debt is now $14 trillion and counting. Do you have any concept of how much 14 trillion is? Well look at it this way. If you added up 14 trillion seconds, instead of dollars, that would equal to around 448,000 years. This is a colossal amount of debt.

Second the military is being undermined at every step. Between gays in the military and women in combat, the military is quickly becoming a lightening rod for political correctness, with devastating results. The military is no place for PC activism and social engineering. The expressed purpose of the military is to kill bad people an destroy their stuff. Occasionally, we have, in the past, been known to do nice things with our military (liberated France, liberated Kuwait, liberated Iraq, liberated Afghanistan, to name a few), but the overall stated goal of the military is to kill the enemy before it kills us.

So what is the cure? We need to elect politicians who will not undermine America, but will build her up for the future. We need to put the good of the country before the good of any ONE person or special interest group. It is time to end the hypersensitivity of "political correctness" and stop trying to "re-invent the wheel". We know what works. Let's get back to it.

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