Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bin Laden death

Okay so apparently we took out Bin Laden. Amazingly, Obama showed a bit of spine and gave the order to take him out. Now, however, he is showing an amazing lack of foresight (and spine) by refusing to release photos of Osama's dead body. Interestingly OBL was buried at sea. So... no body. No proof of death. What? Are we to just take the administration's word for it? Not good enough. Are we now afraid of all Muslims? Islamophobia is now our official position? This Bin Laden guy was a criminal of the worst sort. He wasn't some kind of holy man. So the debate rages. Should we release the photos or not.

We certainly don't want to offend anyone. Who is that going to offend? Other terrorists I suppose. Well I say let's offend them. Let's show them what happens to terrorists. Our mojo is bigger than yours. We got God on our side, if you will.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Stand on the Issues

Here are my political views:

While I am officially pro-life, I recognize that denying a woman the right to an abortion, under certain circumstances, would deny certain women their rights under the constitution (LL&TPOH*). That having been said, I DO NOT favor abortion as a form of birth control. Nor do I favor abortion for convenience. Abortion should be considered a radical LAST OPTION reserved for the most extreme cases (rape, incest, life of the mother, etc.) Abortions, whenever they are performed, should be considered a tragedy, should never be taken lightly, and should ALWAYS result in a sense of loss for the mother. When we as a society, or any individual woman, get to the point where abortion is seen as "no big deal", then it is time to question our deepest sense of who we are and why we are here. In short, abortions should be rare, tragic, and discouraged. There are other options available to women who, through indescretion, end up with an unwanted pregnancy. Adoption, for instance. Adoption services should be simplified and more readily available to individuals who wish to love and care for those children who would otherwise be terminated.

The Death Penalty:
I support the death penalty. Any individual who is so callous and reckless, or downright evil, as to take an innocent human life has, therefore, voluntarily terminated their own right to life. Death penalties should be handed out in cases where DNA proof exists, or the perpetrator confesses, or the evidence is so overwhelming as to remove ALL reasonable doubt. In addition, long waits on death row should be a thing of the past. If a person is rightfully convicted of a murder and sentenced to death, their punishment should be meted out swiftly. This is completely constitutional. In addition, many people criticize the death penalty as being a poor deterrent. this is not a valid criticism, in my opinion. Using this criteria, then we must declare all laws to be deficient since lawlessness continues. No, the sole purpose of the death penalty is to punish those individuals who have made a mess of their freedom by callously and selfishly depriving another person of their life.

The Military:
The primary purpose of our military is to ensure our continued existence as a country. When necessary this cause will result in military actions for various reasons. It is always America's desire that these actions will be defensive in nature. But we must recognize that certain circumstances exist that would require a pre-emptive strike. The old saying is true: The best defense is a good offense. The key word here is "good". Our military actions should never be solely about land acquisition, wealth, or any other prurient goal. It should ALWAYS be about ensuring that we Americans continue in our ability to persue our own lives, with liberty, and justice for all.

American exceptionalism:
America is not only the best country on Earth, it is the finest country that has ever existed on this planet. Never in history has a country done so much for other countries and asked so little in return. Our great nation has time and time again offered up the lives of her best and brightest in supreme sacrifice for no other purpose than to bring freedom and prosperity to areas held hostage by cruel dictators, or suffering abuse by tyrannical governments. We as Americans know that evil prevails while goodness sleeps. So we must remain vigilant and never tire of doing what is right. Because of this, America has established itself as an oasis of freedom in a dark and deadly world. We have been and will ever be the greatest nation on Earth.

Immigration built this country. During the early days of our history, immigrants to our shores created this amazing country known as America. During the crucial first years of our life as a country, immigration was essential to populate our nation. Now that we are a sovereign nation, with a set of values and a recognizable culture, it is therefore both essential and consistent to now regulate and control immigration into our country. While we will always welcome those individuals who would desire to become Americans, no longer can we tolerate the wholesale abuse of the sanctity of our borders. We cannot condone or tolerate those who would flaunt their lawlessness by entering our country illegally and living here with no intention of becoming part of the fabric of our society. The easiest way to curtail the problem of illegal immigration is to strictly enforce the laws already in place, punish those companies who hire illegals, and deport them immediately when caught. This multi-pronged approach will stifle illegal immigration and ensure our borders are not violated. At the same time the path to citizenship should be a clearly defined process that is attainable by any person who wishes to become a fully invested citizen of this great nation.

Budget & Economy:
There SHOULD be a balanced budget amendment. Also, see Tax

Civil Rights:
As American we are all covered by the constitution. There should be no special privileges based on any physical, or metaphysical quality. All are equal and have equal rights under the law.

All corporations should be encouraged to grow and hire and should be given incentives to increase employment. No unfair tax breaks and loopholes for corporations should be tolerated.

In my mind, ALL murder is a hate crime. Special circumstances for certain crimes will be a thing of the past. Crime is crime. The motive for crimes will no longer factor into sentencing. The only factor that will determine punishment is the outcome and the heinousness of the crime. Motive will only be used to determine guilt or innocence, not severity of punishment.

Allowing marijuana to be legal in some states or counties can be permitted on a limited and tightly controlled basis. Following a certain time period, studies will be conducted to see if the program works. If the studies show it does work, then it will be continued or even expanded. If the program does not work, detailed information as to why it failed will be compiled and the program will be halted. The main hallmark of success will be a cessation of crime in these areas, and a clear and obvious effort to adhere to law and order. All other narcotics will not be legalized.

The days of the students running the classroom must end. Teachers will again be empowered to run their classrooms. Corporal punishment will be restored to the classroom. If parents do not wish to have their children attending a school where corporal punishment is an available option to the teacher and the principal, they will have the choice to home school. In order to apply corporal punishment, teachers will need to complete a detailed certification process. In addition, the corporal punishment will occur only with a witness present, and as a last option.

Standardized testing will no longer be the be-all and end-all of passing criteria. In addition to testing two other factors will be taken into consideration for student achievement. There will be a citizenship grade and a classroom work performance grade. The test grade will be up to the student, the citizenship grade will be up to the school administration, and the classroom work performance grade will be up to the teacher. The three components will determine passing or failing.

Energy & Oil:
We must sever ties with OPEC and become autonomous from worldwide oil barons.

Reasonable environmental policies will be in place to ensure our nation stays clean and pollution free.

Families & Children:
Our society should encourage the solvency of the nuclear family and marriage by allowing tax incentives for married couples, and those with children.

Foreign Policy:
Any foreign government that poses a threat to the United States and her citizens will be dealt with. First by diplomacy, and then by military action if necessary. The United States will, in effect, act as its own "U.N." where we will decide who is our friend and who is not, based on law and order and the principles outlined in our own constitution. We will support and assist our friends and defend ourselves from our enemies, until such time as our enemies decide to become our friends.

Free Trade:
We will no longer tolerate a trade imbalance. We'll buy your goods if you buy ours. Simple as that.

Government Reform:
The size and scope of government must be reduced in certain areas and expanded in others. Government welfare and entitlements must be reduced. Provision of security and law enforcement must be expanded.

Gun Control:
Our 2nd amendment rights must not be infringed upon. When there are laws that ban guns, only law-abiding citizens are disarmed. This is the height of folly. Good honest citizens have a right to defend themselves against the criminal element, because law enforcement cannot be everywhere at once.

Health Care:
Health care is not a privilege. It is a right. All across the nation county health care is provided. These publicly funded hospitals and clinics must remain open and operated in a clean and efficient way. There is NO need to create a sweeping socialist style health care system. Health insurance reform is also necessary. Health care to illegal aliens should be halted immediately. Emergency health care will be provided to all Americans regardless of ability to pay.

Homeland Security:
So-called "Profiling" will be tolerated in order to defend our nation from terrorism. If a law-enforcement official has a reasonable suspicion then they may stop and question anybody they think may pose a threat to our society. Once proof of citizenship is proved, and the suspicion is no longer valid, the citizen will then be released and can rest assured that law enforcement officials have proven to be vigilant. This will create a feeling of safety and security. Profiling for the sake of harassment of an individual for no reason will not be tolerated. All suspected terrorists will be dealt with quickly by a military tribunal, in a location NOT on U.S. soil (preferably a military base).

Infrastructure & Technology:
The United States must regain and retain its status as the #1 producer of technology related items. This would put Americans back to work. Our legendary space exploration programs should be continued.

Jobs should be created in the private sector. The U.S. government is growing into one of the largest employers in America. This should be halted and reversed. If at all possible, many areas of the government could be transferred to private companies. This will spur job growth, and shrink the size of government.

Principles & Values:
In terms of morality, we must return to the core values that this country was founded on. Specifically those found in the new Testament of the Bible. In terms of our fiscal identity, international lecturer, social reformer, political columnist, and author Vishal Mangalwadi summed up my thoughts so clearly and succinctly when he recently wrote: "[America] was built by an ethic – a spirituality, that taught citizens to work, earn, save, invest, and use their wealth to serve their neighbors." In addition, the golden rule should always be followed and we must bring an end to hypersensitivity, frivolous lawsuits, criminal opportunism, and political correctness. Our society is quickly becoming increasingly weak-willed. Only when we return to the principals that made us great will we once again become the stout hearted bastion of good that we once were. The religious among us should provide the lion's share of assistance to the needy. This would help increase the positive perception of faith-based organizations, and encourage a return to the religious based values America was founded on.

Social Security:
The legendary "lock box" system will become a reality. You pay in, and it is held for you in a "lock box" until such time as you retire. Then you will be paid from what you paid in. Raiding these funds will be prohibited and punishable by stiff laws.

Tax Reform:
A flat tax will be implemented. Also, every 4th year the flat tax rate will be set at a slightly higher rate for that year. This will give the American economy a periodic economic boost. It will be our duty as Americans to participate during this higher tax year, which will be a tolerable sacrifice for the good of all. The flat tax increase will NOT be punitive, but will be enough to give a financial boost. This will ensure financial stability, security, and will keep us from the specter of debt, which threatens to destroy our country.

War & Peace:
I believe war should be a last resort, always. However, some things are worth fighting for. I would never desire to send American troops into harms way for any other purpose than to defend our best interests as Americans. I would apply the idea that we have a right to defend ourselves, and help our close allies defend themselves. This can be done in many ways short of "boots on the ground". In every case, diplomacy will be tried first. We would never start a conflict.

Welfare & Poverty:
I believe that welfare programs in America have become increasingly socialistic and need to be rolled back. Incentives for volunteerism should be encouraged. I believe that the constitution does not require separation of church and state. Faith based organizations should be the primary giver of aid and welfare to the needy in America. (The above are shared views with Alan Keyes) Furthermore, welfare should have a clearly defined limit and should not be ongoing indefinitely. Poverty should be dealt with by the states, and not by the federal government.

Monday, January 24, 2011


What is tolerance? Does tolerance mean agreement? No it doesn't. Does tolerance mean that I get along with people that I disagree with, even though I disagree with them? Yep.

SO! If I disagree with someone, and yet I am civil and polite, and respectful toward them then I would be exhibiting "tolerance" in the highest degree. But if I disagree with someone and act rude, condescending, and ugly toward them, and disrespectful... am I being tolerant? Absolutely not.

So, having said that, I say this: I should be able to respectfully disagree with certain people, and express my opinions, without it automatically being labeled "hate-speech". In actuality, the only type of speech that should be labeled "hate-speech" is any speech that encourages lawlessness, crime, violence or hatred toward another's physical well being, behavior, views, or lifestyle. Respectful disagreement is not hate.

I am one of the most tolerant individuals I know. I am not "anti" anyone. I might disagree with your views on certain topics, or might dislike certain behaviors you do, but I will still respect you and your right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" under the law.

Therefore, do not attempt to silence my dissent. Do not attempt to slander my views, and don't try to "marginalize" me as a threat to society, simply because I hold differing views than yourself. This is the WRONG thing to do. And quite frankly, it is un-American.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Political Correctness is destroying us!

The political correctness movement is literally destroying our country. The idea that to offend is the most egregious sin any one person can do, is laughable. What makes it even more ironic is that in an effort to erradicate offensiveness, they offend. Who are the PC soldiers? Who are the ones who determine that we must never offend anyone?

For the most part it is the media. The leftist media to be precise. The fact is, PC is the new home of thought/mind control, and social-engineering. Once it is determined that someone is "insensitive", or "hateful", or "anti-whatever" they are public enemy number one in the minds of the media.

These leftist PC activists make McCarthyism look tame by comparison.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What are they doing to our military? (part 1)

What are these Left-Nuts doing to our wonderful military? Check this out and pray for our soldiers.

"Reported Cases of Sexual Assault in Military Rise" reports NPR

"U.S. military drops ban on soldiers getting pregnant" reports CNN

Unintended pregnancy is through the roof. Remember, each female soldier that gets pregnant in the military gets leave, and the best care available, all at taxpayers expense. Why is this allowed to go on? Some women are getting into the military simply in order to have their baby paid for.

So, with all these problems facing our fighting troops, we are of course moving to correct it. Right? Wrong.

Yep. It will get even worse.

Why is it that we can't say "This system doesn't work." Simply because we do not want to hurt anyone's feelings. How many "feelings" will be hurt when our country is over-run by our enemies and we are made to denounce our citizenship. Isn't losing our national identity worse than offending a few thin skinned people? I'd say yes.

Lets think "big picture" here!

The Weakening American Nation

Our wonderful nation is under attack. We are being undermined and destroyed from within. A cancer is growing inside the American body, and something must be done to check its malignant advance or we will all suffer.

First the federal government has put us in danger by racking up a HUGE debt. The U.S. national debt is now $14 trillion and counting. Do you have any concept of how much 14 trillion is? Well look at it this way. If you added up 14 trillion seconds, instead of dollars, that would equal to around 448,000 years. This is a colossal amount of debt.

Second the military is being undermined at every step. Between gays in the military and women in combat, the military is quickly becoming a lightening rod for political correctness, with devastating results. The military is no place for PC activism and social engineering. The expressed purpose of the military is to kill bad people an destroy their stuff. Occasionally, we have, in the past, been known to do nice things with our military (liberated France, liberated Kuwait, liberated Iraq, liberated Afghanistan, to name a few), but the overall stated goal of the military is to kill the enemy before it kills us.

So what is the cure? We need to elect politicians who will not undermine America, but will build her up for the future. We need to put the good of the country before the good of any ONE person or special interest group. It is time to end the hypersensitivity of "political correctness" and stop trying to "re-invent the wheel". We know what works. Let's get back to it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Beware of Saul Alinsky

Who is Saul Alinsky? He is one of those guys who lived in relative obscurity, but was very influential. He died at age 63 in 1972. Though dead, he still casts a huge shadow across the political landscape. In 1971 he wrote a book called "Rules for Radicals". This book is a kind of Bible for activists. Why is he so releavant today? Because he is Barack Obama's political guru. The Obama presidency is the crown jewel in the Alinsky scheme. Why? Because it was Alinsky's philosophies that motivated Obama nearly every step of the way. Alinsky is so far left that he is practically in another political category all his own. Part leftist, part communist, part activist... he promoted the idea of the "community organizer" as political power broker concept. Here are some of his quotes:

"Change means movement. Movement means friction. Only in the frictionless vacuum of a nonexistent abstract world can movement or change occur without that abrasive friction of conflict." [Remember Obama's mantra about change? It was an Alinskian Concept]

"He who fears corruption fears life."

"Tactics mean doing what you can with what you have."

Much more information can be found at the following link: