Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Catalog Page Beats TP, Tests Show!

In a stunning development, studies have shown that Grandpa might have known what he was doing back in the old days! A recent $34 Billion study has found that pages from a catalog actually cleanse the rectal area following bowel evacuation 89% more efficiently than even the most highly touted super absorbant toilet tissue. This amazing study conducted by Yarmouth University Bio-Technology Institute of Research and Development found that the old fashioned "page out of the catalog" got the job done better that any leading toilet paper.

"We think it has to do with the crinkles." said Dr. Jeff Hovard, lead researcher "I mean all those crinkles really dig in there and get that [stuff] out of there."

Coming in second in the study was corn cobs. Toilet tissue came in a distant third.

"Just goes to show you... new aint always better." added Dr. Hovind as he disappeared into a restroom with a catalog under his arm. "More research coming up..." he quipped as the door shut.

Friday, December 17, 2010

They passed the Tax Cut bill

Notice they are called the "BUSH tax cuts". Have you ever heard a tax cut named after a Democrat politician? No? Well how about that. Here's something you'll never hear... "Obama Tax Cuts". Why? Because he believes in taking from the producers and giving it to the needy. How long until the producers get tired of producing for the benefit of someone else?

Larry King retires!

I didn't know he was still alive, much less on the air. He is an old washed up has-been. His show is boring, and he is a creepy old looney. Good riddance. Now his time slot will be filled by a dude from Britain. By the way, I wonder how many American talk-Show hosts there are in England?