Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bin Laden death

Okay so apparently we took out Bin Laden. Amazingly, Obama showed a bit of spine and gave the order to take him out. Now, however, he is showing an amazing lack of foresight (and spine) by refusing to release photos of Osama's dead body. Interestingly OBL was buried at sea. So... no body. No proof of death. What? Are we to just take the administration's word for it? Not good enough. Are we now afraid of all Muslims? Islamophobia is now our official position? This Bin Laden guy was a criminal of the worst sort. He wasn't some kind of holy man. So the debate rages. Should we release the photos or not.

We certainly don't want to offend anyone. Who is that going to offend? Other terrorists I suppose. Well I say let's offend them. Let's show them what happens to terrorists. Our mojo is bigger than yours. We got God on our side, if you will.